Friday, July 12, 2013

My Inner Voice Sucks Right Now

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't struggling.

You see, last year I had lost about 30 pounds and was at the healthiest I had ever been. Notice, I did not say the skinniest, but I was the healthiest. I exercised almost every day,  I was toned and flexible, I was eating a healthy and well balanced diet, and I was proud of the way I looked. I had earned that body!

Then I got pregnant. I was bound and determined to be the healthiest I could be for those 9 months. But at 8 weeks I had to stop doing my high impact workout because I was so nauseous I couldn't eat, and if you can't eat then you don't have fuel to burn. I'd get lightheaded when I would bend down for Touch the Floors. So I'd walk some days, other days not just because it was so hot. It was a few months before I was able to eat right again. And by then I was halfway done with my pregnancy. I would try to workout those last few months, but that's when the sciatic nerve pain kicked in, my hips started popping like a 90 year old and it hurt like someone was breaking bones, and touching my toes was a thing of the past. It was hard to convince myself to get up and do a workout every day. And then I was chasing a 2 year old around the house, although that probably counted for some exercise! I will say I managed to do push-ups and weights a few times a week consistently.

It's not an excuse, it's just what happened. When I got pregnant, I had it in my head that I would be fit that entire pregnancy. The only thing I have going for me is that I gained the exact amount of weight I was supposed to. Yay, I guess?

So now, five months to the day after I had Baby Boy, I look in the mirror. For some reason my mind expects to see me where I was in May 2012. I had ab definition for the first time EVER. My shoulders and back were tone. My middle wasn't lumpy, I had curves where curves were supposed to be. And my stretch marks had finally faded. INSTEAD, I see a body I still don't recognize. My belly has this horrible roll that won't go away. It's gotten smaller, but it's still there. And there is this loose skin that I am afraid will never tone up this time. I'm finally seeing some tone in my biceps, but not what was there before. And I can't sit in a wall squat for a minute or more right now like I could in the past. I still remember keeping up with Tania "The Machine" in Insanity those last couple of months, but right now I can barely keep up with the people in the back who take breaks more frequently.

Food is another struggle. I had a really healthy diet last year when I lost that weight. I would stick to my plan and eat healthy 6 days a week and then enjoy my cheat day. Right now though, I'm breastfeeding an infant. I sometimes forget to eat enough, believe it or not. Then we get to 9pm when the kids are both in bed and I realize I am starving. So what are my choices? Not eat and risk my milk supply going down, or eat an hour or two before bed knowing that my body won't burn those calories so well. Of course I'm going to eat. And then there are days where the Terrible 2's attack the house, and Baby Boy is teething or just having a rough day, so dinner isn't as healthy as it should be because I just threw something in the oven or called my husband and said "hey I'm calling in some Chinese, can you pick it up on your way home?" Yeah I know, I need to get better at the crock pot. Working on it!

So my inner voice looks at the reflection and says "Well that's not right. Apparently I'm not eating well enough. Maybe I have my calorie intake too high. I must not be working hard enough. I should look better than this by now. Remember that chick on the pinterest board who posted that she was super fit six months after baby? Why am I not like that? Maybe if I do Insanity and then use that training app on my phone for 30 minutes, I'll get better progress" (trust me, that's not panning out so well. I just end up overtired the next day and don't want to do any exercise at all). Notice, my Inner Voice is kind of a Witch.

I'm working on improving. It's a constant struggle. It's a struggle against the mirror, the kids, and the food. But most surprisingly, it's a struggle against myself, and not like it was before. It's not the struggle to get up and pop in the DVD and start the workout. It's the struggle to realize that progress takes time. It's realizing that while some women lose all of their baby weight and get back in shape three months after their baby arrives, that's not the way I'm built and I'm going to have to work twice as hard and maybe twice as long. I have to remember that I grew a healthy baby for 9 months, and I'm nourishing him with this same body until he is a year old. I have to get enough to eat if I'm going to feed him, too. I will just say now that I AM going to get back to where I was before, and then I'm going to get even better. It's just going to take time. And while I can say that and I know it, I have to just keep reminding myself of why I don't look like the way I want right now. Part of my struggle is telling Inner Voice to shut it and eat her chocolate bar and leave me alone (to me she's forever eating a chocolate bar while she's criticizing me, don't ask).

So I guess what I am saying to you this time is to remember, progress can be slow. It doesn't mean you should give up. It doesn't mean you are doing something wrong. It just means that everyone is different, and for every stage of your life your body changes. It's not fun and it's not easy, but that's what happens. I'm not going to give up. Notice I didn't say that I'm going to tryI WILL nurse my baby for a full year.and I WILL get my body back.  If nursing him means it takes longer to get back in to the best shape of my life, then that is perfectly fine! He's worth it.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Ripping off a Beachbody Coach is not cool....

I'm posting this because I'm annoyed and frankly, fed up.

I can spend hours talking to someone about programs. I love the Beachbody programs and they work so well that I want to share that knowledge. And if people are interested and have questions, I am here to answer them!

But what really gets under my skin is when someone has wasted my time asking questions and then mysteriously procured a copy of a program. Quite often they have a "friend" who burned a copy for them. Yay you!! You got a free copy of an expensive workout program! NOT!

Not only did you waste my time asking me questions about routines, meals and meal planning, and when we would possibly have a sale on the program you were inquiring about, you took money from a small business owner. Now sure, we've seen the ads in the movie theater saying that "piracy is illegal" with the guy who works a camera (if I recall it correctly) talking about how he earns his profit from the sale of the movies you are ripping, and if you are like me you didn't really think about it. But trust me, when you are the person doing a service and you aren't getting commission, it really sucks. And I'm sick of sitting there smiling and saying offhanded remarks like it doesn't bother me. Because it does.

I really am a small business owner. I make no money just being a coach, I make commission on products sold. I am here to help answer questions and lead you to a good routine for you, but people ripping programs have almost killed my desire to work in this wonderful business.

Now you might say "Well, I'm sorry but the programs are just too expensive."

They might be expensive out of pocket outright, but when you figure that for a program like P90X, you get TWELVE DVDs for $120, I mean come on! That's a load of baloney. That breaks down to $10 a video. And you get your moneys worth. Look at the pictures people post of their results. In 90 DAYS folks.

And what about Turbo Fire, that has a regular price of $79 now? (By the way, it's on sale for even less than that at the moment). That's not too expensive.

If you want to rip someone off, find someone else. Don't waste my time. I have two little kids and a husband that can use my attention if you're going to take money from me and get an illegal version of what I sell instead. You're taking money from me, from my upline coach, and from his upline coach. A great majority of the money you spend on a program actually goes to real people, trying to either make their living or bring in a little income on the side.

But hey, I know chances are you won't feel the least bit guilty. You'll close out this browser and not feel the least bit bothered that you essentially stole my time. Don't tell me about it. And just remember, what you do is illegal.

And just to add a little humor since this entire post has been so serious....

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Turbo Fire Test Offer

Just in time for the holidays, there is another great deal on Turbo Fire. Here are the details from Beachbody:

What is the test price?

  • $79.90 for customers
  • $71.90 for Team Beachbody Club Members
  • $59.93 for Coaches
When will the TurboFire deal be available?
You will begin to see the new offer in the Team Beachbody Shop starting tomorrow. By Friday, December 14th, all updates should be live. 

Where can I find it?
You can find the offers in the Team Beachbody "Shop" under TurboFire

What is included in this TurboFire configuration?
  • 12 Smokin' Hot Classes on 5 DVDs
    • Fire Starter
    • Low HIITs: Low HIIT 20 & Low HIIT 25
    • Fire HIITs: Fire 30, Fire 40, Fire 45, Fire 55
    • Extreme HIITs: HIIT 15, HIIT 20, HIIT 25
    • Abs 10
    • Stretch 10
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Fuel the Nutrition Guide
  • Class Schedule
  • Instant Online Access to the first workout
  • 24/7 Online Support
Is there anything different?
The workouts included in this offer do NOT require any equipment--all you need is a good workout space, quality shoes, a towel and water. 

How can I connect with the offer?
Same as always! Visit my coach website here

This is once again a great price on a wonderful, fun program. If you plan on making a New Years Resolution to get fit, TurboFire can help. As always, if you have any questions, just contact me through this site or at

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sale

At 9:00AM EST, Beachbody is offering you special Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals on select programs and products! The offers are available while supplies last. The sale officially will end Tuesday at 12:00 AM EST.

Below is a list of the programs that will be on sale. There are huge discounts on some great programs!

You will want to participate in these great deals! Best part? No lines and crazy crowds to fight to get the savings. Sit in the comfort of your own home and click here or follow this link to get the specials prices!

Give yourself and your family a great gift this holiday season: a healthy YOU!

And remember, contact me if you need more information or help finding the right product to reach your fitness goals.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Turbo Fire Sale!

Turbo Fire is $53 for today only while supplies last. There are a total of 5,000 copies for sale, so grab yours FAST!

This has been an update from your friendly Beachbody Coach! Go to to order yours now!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Shakeology vs Body by Vi

Don't shoot the messenger if you are a Visalus fan! I am just stating facts. This is all based on research and input from people who are far more knowledgeable than I. What I do know for 100% certain: Shakeology WORKS. And I'm about to share with you why it is an awesome choice. And remember, you can try Shakeology for an ENTIRE MONTH and get a 100% refund if you don't love it. You will love it anyway, but you have nothing to lose this way. Our bottom of the bag guarantee is a one-of-a-kind and a killer offer.

I also highly recommend checking out the "Food for Thought" at the bottom of this post. It has great information to consider on top of the comparison.

Shakeology VS Body by Vi

Body by Vi- $49.00-$249.99 per month, depending on which “level” of program you buy.
 Shakeology- $89.95-119.95 per month

Body by Vi-They recommend taking 2 shakes per day plus their brand of snacks (not included in price)
 Shakeology-One shake per day. We want you to eat real food.
This is not a “diet” but a lifestyle change.... “Real” food is important.

Cost per serving
Body by Vi-$1.50 each. $3.00 for two shakes daily. Up to $8.30 per day if you buy their higher end package. Remember-snacks cost extra.
Shakeology-$3.50-4.10 per day

Body by Vi-20 supplements worth
Shakeology-38 supplements worth

Body by Vi-30 day money back
Shakeology-30 day money back

Diabetic friendly?
Body by Vi-Yes but no evidence of low glycemic index mentioned
Shakeology - Yes. In addition to being lower in sugar, we are low in the glycemic index.
Artificial sweeteners? Refined sugars?
Body by Vi-Yes-sucralose. Google sucralose and the arsenic connection for more information about how bad this stuff is for you.
Shakeology - Not a one!

Multiple flavors?
Body by Vi- No, only their sweet cream flavor
Shakeology- Yes,Chocolate (my favorite!), Tropical and Greenberry

What can you add to it?
Body by Vi-Their brand of mix flavors plus milk, fruit
Shakeology-Whatever you want! Peanut butter, fruit, milk, almond milk. Soy milk, water, coffee, peppermint flavor, vanilla flavor, sugar free jello pudding flavors-the possibilities are endless!

What about digestive health?
Body by Vi- Prebiotics included. 100% dietary fiber included. (Just be aware that if you eat something later that is high in fiber, you may end up gassy with diarrhea as too much fiber can cause this, in addition to cramping.)
Shakeology- Prebiotics/probiotics included. 12% of dietary fiber included. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to get your 100% daily fiber intake or if you have difficulty, you can add fiber to the shake.
Nitty gritty nutrition
Body by Vi- Fat in grams 1g
Carbs- 7 grams*
Calories-90 calories*
Shakeology- Fat in grams
Sugar-11 grams*
Carbs-19 grams*
Calories-140 calories*

Body by Vi-90 calories plus what you add
Shakeology-140 calories plus what you add

Caffeine free?
Body by Vi-Not sure sure as it depends on which level program you use/buy. The simple shale mix alone does bit include caffeine but if you are consuming/using everything in their $249.99/month package required to be an active BBV rep, you drink neuro formula which does have caffeine in addition to using other pills with caffeine that goes by the natural ingredient names.
Shakeology- Chocolate=18mg (found in the cocoa)/ Greenberry=None/ Tropical Strawberry= Gluten Free

Body by Vi-“High quality” “Tri-sorb” protein
(This is a term that they invented. Whey protein is whey protein point blank. When you start changing molecules, you can no longer call it a protein. This is a marketing gimmick.)
Shakeology-High quality whey protein
Body by Vi-“not as many, sometimes less is more”
**The above quotes are from link #2 below.
Contains Milk and Soy
Lactose and Gluten free
23 vitamins/minerals
Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium Iron Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Biotin pantothenic acid Phosphorus Iodine Magnesium Zinc
Selenium Copper Manganese Chromium Molybdenum, FibersolTM, AminogenTM, Soy Protein Isolate, Digestive Resistant Maltodextrin (from FibersolTM),Whey Protein Hydrolysate,Whey Protein Concentrate, DiCalcium Phosphate, Sunflower Oil, Natural and Artificial Flavor, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Maltodextrin, Gum Arabic, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Caseinate, DiMagnesium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Soy Lecithin, Mono and Diglycerides, Patented Protease (from AminogenTM), DiPotassium Phosphate, Sucralose, Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin E Acetate, Chromium Amino Acid Chelate, Molybdenum Amino Acid Chelate, Selenium Amino Acid Chelate, Biotin, Vitamin A Palimate, Niacinamide, Potassium Iodide, Zinc Oxide, Copper Gluconate, Calcium Pantothenate, Cyanocobalamin, Manganese Sulfate, Cholecalciferol, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamin Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Phytomenadione and Folic Acid.
Shakeology-70+ high quality ingredients
23 vitamins/minerals
Various fruit extracts (acerola, camu-camu, pomegranate, bilberry, blueberry, acai, Goji, Cordyceps, Rose Hips, Maitake, Reishi, Citrus bioflavonoids, Gingko), Whey protein, Chromium, Hydrilla, Apple pectin, Flax seed meal, Chia seed meal, Blue green algae, Spinach powder,oatgrass, wheatgrass, Barley grass, Grape seed extract, cinnamon, natural vanilla flavor, chocolate powder, cocoa powder, xanthum gum, ,guar gum, pea fiber. Also contains an enzyme blend to assist digestion (amylase, papain, cellulose, lactase, lipase, protease, and bromelain)
Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) 5000 IU 100%
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 180 mg 300%
Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol) 200 IU 50%
Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 15 IU 50%
Vitamin K1 (as phytonadione) 40 mcg 50%
Vitamin B1 (as thiamin HCL) 1.5 mg 100%
Vitamin B2 (as ribofl avin) 1.3 mg 77%
Vitamin B3 (as niacin) 5 mg 25%
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCL) 2 mg 100%
Folic acid 200 mcg 50%
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 6 mcg 100%
Biotin 90 mcg 30%
Pantothenic acid (as d-calcium pantothenate) 5 mg 50%
Calcium (as dicalcium phosphate) 500 mg 50%
Iron (as ferrous fumarate) 4.5 mg 25%
Phosphorous (as dicalcium phosphate) 250 mg 25%
Iodine (as kelp) 52 mcg 35%
Magnesium (as oxide) 80 mg 20%
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 6 mg 40%
Copper (as copper oxide) 0.8 mg 40%
Manganese (as manganese amino acid chelate) 2 mg 100%
Chromium (as chromium amino acid chelate) 60 mcg 50%
Molybdenum (as sodium molybdate) 30 mcg 40%
Whey protein (isolate) 15 g †
Acerola powder (fruit), Camu-Camu powder (fruit), Pomegranate
powder (fruit), Bilberry powder (fruit), Blueberry powder (fruit),
Lycium (Goji) powder (berry), Açai powder (berry), Cordyceps,
Maitake powder, Reishi powder, Citrus biofl avonoids, Rose Hips
powder (fruit), Schisandra powder (berry), Suma powder (root),
Gingko powder (leaf).
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value**
Banana powder, Carrot powder, Orange powder,
Pineapple powder, Raspberry powder, Strawberry powder.
Maca powder (root) 1000 mg †
Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) meal 1000 mg †
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) powder 1000 mg †
Flax (seed) meal 700 mg †
Chia (seed) meal 500 mg †
Chlorella 350 mg †
Spirulina 350 mg †
Hydrilla 300 mg †
Apple fi ber powder 250 mg †
Astragalus powder (root) 200 mg †
Blue green algae 200 mg †
Spinach powder 200 mg †
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) 150 mg †
Pea fi ber 150 mg †
Quinoa (sprouted) 150 mg †
Bifodobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus
acidophilus DDS-1, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei,
Streptococcus thermophilus.
Amylase, Papain, Cellulase, Lactase, Lipase, Protease, Bromelain.
Ashwagandha powder (root) 100 mg †
Barley grass 100 mg †
Kamut grass 100 mg †
Oat grass 100 mg †
Wheat grass 100 mg †
Stevia 75 mg †
Amaranth (sprouted) (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) 50 mg †
Grape seed extract (seed, 95% proanthocyanins) 50 mg †
Green tea decaffeinated extract 50 mg †
(leaf, 50% polyphenols)
Holy basil powder (leaf) 50 mg †
** Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
† Daily Value not established
OTHER INGREDIENTS: Fructose, xantham gum, natural strawberry and raspberry fl avors, guar gum, natural vanilla fl avor, and cinnamon powder.

Shakeology is gluten free and caffeine free.
Links to check out:
The first link brings about some great points, whereas the second link is full of opinions of that person who also happens to sell Body by Vi.
**Food for Thought:
FACT: The RDA for calories is 2000kcal/day. We all know that in order to lose weight you need to burn more than you take in. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU GO EXTREMELY LOW IN YOUR CALORIC INTAKE! When you go below 1200-1300 calories per day, you put your body into starvation mode, thus shifting your metabolism to SLOW DOWN and burn calories more slowly. If you were to take in just two “Body by Vi” shakes (without additives) daily plus a regular meal (let’s assume that meal is around 350 calories), plus two 100 calorie snacks, you’ll only be taking in 550 calories. Why is it so low in calories? They simply aren’t offering you the fuel you need to get through the day. By skimping on glucose (essential for your brain to function) and other carbohydrates (4 calories per carb), they can offer you lower calories. Offering a 90 calorie shake sounds good on paper, but in practice this simply does not make sense. By reducing your carbohydrate intake, you will essentially cause your body to begin burning proteins instead of carbohydrates like it is supposed to. Why is this bad? The main source of protein that your body will have will not be an adequate amount of protein found in a BBV shake. Instead your body will begin to degrade the proteins in your muscle. Because your body is not supposed to use its own proteins for fuel, large waste protein byproducts are made which must then be flushed out of your body. These waste protein byproducts are known as “ketones” and require a great amount of water to be flushed out. Because of this fact, you will start to urinate a lot, excreting a great amount of water weight. If you do not properly hydrate, then you will easily become dehydrated. After a few days, you’ll be fatigued and cranky. This is because: 1. Your body won’t be getting the energy it needs to run properly. 2. You’ll be dehydrated. (Fatigue is a symptom of dehydration.) 3. You’re in starvation mode.
What I like about the shakeology is the design of the program. It’s easy. You drink one shake a day and make healthy choices. You can make the shake how YOU like it. You get to eat REAL FOOD-not a processed snack made by a company to sell. Fruits and vegetables are encouraged. It’s up to YOU. You are encouraged to exercise while on shakeology. THERE IS NO MAGIC PILL OR POWDER THAT CAN TAKE THE WEIGHT OFF! It comes off with hard work, behavior modification, and patience. Any program that promises you instant results may cause you to initially lose a few pounds, but as time goes on you’ll gain the weight back and only end up losing money.
Again the choice is up to you. If you do not wish to use Shakeology in your plans to lose weight, then that’s ok. Beachbody coaches are not here to “push” products. We inform you of what we have available which has helped us and may help you. You make the choice that best suits your lifestyle and goals. Please contact me for more information! I look forward to hearing from you. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Update on My Routine

Just came back from our apartment complex gym! With the weird weather I didn't want to do my usual walk in the park. So after Hubby came home and while Little Bit was sleeping, I went to walk
I feel great! My usual walking track isn't that strenuous so I pushed up the incline today and really felt the burn in my upper thighs. I did since light arms after my walk to end my workout. Just because I can't do Insanity or P90X doesn't mean I'm not going to try to stay on track and motivated to be healthy!

Sorry about the jiggly camera I was still waking when I took the picture!