My Story

Back in High School, I was around 125 pounds on average. Sometimes I was down as far as 118, and others as high as 128. I remember I almost flipped when I found out I was 128 in high school! I went on Atkins for two weeks and was back down to 120. Things seemed so much easier then.

In college, I started gaining weight. Freshman year I maintained a weight in mid 130s. That doesn't sound too bad, but it was starting a trend that I should never have started. I should have tried harder to work out and eat right, but I was in college and a science major, so I always had an excuse not to bother.

In July 2009, I got married to my husband. I did start trying to eat healthier, and I had the Wii Fit! I finally seemed to be getting on the right track and I  was doing a good job of beginning to lose weight. Unfortunately that was short lived. I found out that I was pregnant in late February, and soon jogging up and down made me puke. So I quit working out. I didn't gain too terribly much while pregnant. I reached a total of 176 pounds on Delivery Day. Three weeks later I was down to a shocking 140 (hello breastfeeding)! I had a wicked appetite though, and pretty soon my body wasn't burning up all of the extra food that I was taking in. I was again eating out quite frequently, snacking late at night, and honestly I think the birth control I was using made my metabolism suddenly drop off.

I started different work out routines and diets, but I failed consistently. I ended up diagnosed with pericarditis at one point, and that put a barrier in my workouts for a few weeks. Another time I had finals. There was always something popping up to hinder my exercise, and I didn't fight hard enough to keep going.

In October, I had reached about 165 pounds. I wish I never had gotten that big, but I did. And that is when I got serious about working out.

My dad convinced me to start P90x. There were a few set backs, but instead of giving up as I had in the past, I kept pushing forward!

In January, I became a Beachbody Coach and joined a challenge group, starting Insanity. There was an emotional trauma in my life in late January that delayed my work out for a couple of weeks, but in February I started over. I am around 140 pounds now, and I don't have too much further to go until I reach what I have designated my goal: 135 pounds! I can't wait until I can say I reached my goal weight!

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