Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What is Shakeology?

So if you are my friend on facebook, you have seen my statuses about Shakeology. I also have a shirt I wear that advertises it as "The Healthiest Meal of the Day." Both of these conversation starters lead to one main question: What is Shakeology?

Basically, Shakeology is a meal replacement shake loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. You drink it in place of a meal and workout three times a week at least with a healthy and balanced diet. Shakeology eliminates toxins that are in your body and at the same time helps your body to more effectively absorb needed nutrients.

Basic Nutrition

  • Protein and Essential Amino Acids
    • Build and Repair muscles
    • Reduce hunger and cravings
  • Prebiotics and Digestive Enzymes
    • Aids digestion
    • Increase absorption of nutrients
  • Antioxidants
    • Boost immune system
  • 23 Vitamins and Minerals
    • 100% of your daily intake of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for our immune systems, vision, and cell growth. It also makes an individual more energized, one of the many benefits of drinking Shakeology.  
    • 300% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C! Don't worry, Vitamin C is water soluble, so any extra your body does not need it will get rid of easily. 
    • 50% of your daily requirement for Calcium. Let's prevent that osteoporosis ladies!
Personal Experience

So now I can tell you what other people say about Shakeology, or even what Doctors have said about it. But you can find all of that just by looking at my Shakeology link on the top of this page. Instead, maybe I should tell you what Shakeology has done for me personally.

Before January, I was losing weight. I was doing P90x four or five times a week and losing weight. But I still felt bloated most of the time. I wasn't eating like I should have been as often as I needed to. In January, my Beachbody coach Kari got me to try Shakeology for a month. (After all, there is a bottom of the bag guarantee, so what do I have to lose?) In just one month, I noticed a huge difference.

I lost a lot of the bloated feeling that I had before. Ladies: That pooch in your tummy that just feels like it won't go away no matter how hard you try? Mine became smaller.

I was more energized. It is hard to get up and workout when you don't feel like you have the energy. Yes, exercising itself helps to give you some energy. But I just felt like it gave me the extra push I needed to work out.

I ate breakfast! Okay, I am going to confess that I hate breakfast, usually. I wake up and I just don't want to eat. Eggs make me feel nauseous. And how many breakfast foods are loaded with sugar and bad carbohydrates? So first thing in the morning, after I have gotten my daughter's breakfast ready and fed the cat, I put 12 ounces of milk, crushed ice, and the shakeology in a blender and mix it all together.  It tastes like a chocolate shake. And it's light. I think that is my biggest problem with breakfast food. I wake up and I do not want a heavy meal first thing in the morning. 

I lost a lot of my cravings. Somehow, I don't want an unhealthy snack the rest of the day. It's like somehow, the cravings for things like chocolate and snack cakes was just gone.

I lost weight more efficiently.  Maybe it was the increased energy that let me work out as often as I should have. Maybe it was the reduced cravings. But somehow, I was steadily losing weight. And people noticed! It was amazing how well it worked for me. I didn't need the bottom of the bag guarantee: I wanted to keep using it. Even though I had lost 12 pounds already, I lost about 15 more from January to May.

Every morning, I know what I am having for breakfast. I might not always make it the same way. Sometimes I throw in some strawberries and banana. Other times I can put in some Fat Free and Sugar Free pudding mix to make it extra creamy. There are so many recipes that if you want, you can have it a different way every day.

If you want to order it, visit my Shakeology site and put in an order. There is also a lot more information on the site that I cannot even begin to explain to you. It really does work and is worth every penny. If all else fails, there is the bottom of the bag guarantee. That means if you have it and drink it for the full month and do not get good results, you can contact Beachbody and let them know, and the will refund your money.

So what do you have to lose? Try it! I'm down to a size six for the first time in five years.

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